Hristo Stoichkov Retro Stars Player Review

Hristo Stoichkov

Rank #6

Hristo Stoichkov 

Height: 5’10” (178 cm)

Stamina / Skill: ★★★★☆ / ★★★★☆

Foot (Right / Left): 4/ 5

Extra Position: ST

Over All Rating: 4/5

Rating: 🟢 Best

🟢 Best
🔵 Excellent
🔴 Bad
🟠 Worst

🟢 Best

🔵 Excellent

🟣 Good

🔴 Bad

🟠 Worst


Work Rate (ATT / DEF): Medium/Medium

Skill Moves:Roulette


Traits:Outside Foot Shot, Power Header, Flair, Long Shot Taker


Lethal Finishing: Stoichkov’s finishing stats are even more lethal at 102 OVR. His Outside Foot Shot trait makes him a consistent scorer from tight angles, while his 4-star weak foot adds more versatility to his shooting options

Physical Strength: At 5’10”, Stoichkov has the upper body strength to hold off defenders, making him difficult to dispossess, particularly when driving towards goal.


Medium/Medium Work Rates: His medium attacking and defensive work rates mean he may not make aggressive runs forward or track back as much as players with higher work rates, limiting his presence in certain situations.

Stamina: Despite the boost, his stamina (4½ stars) may still be an issue in longer, high-intensity matches. He could tire in extra time or after pressing heavily.


Hristo Stoichkov’s 102 OVR Retro Stars Icon (Ranked Up) card offers significant improvements in finishing, dribbling, and versatility, making him a top choice for both wing and striker roles.


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